Plot: 10 years ago, Nakahara Asami's parents died in a car accident, leaving her an orphan. Ever since then, a mysterious guardian named "Ashinaga Ojisan" ("Daddy Long-Legs") has taken care of her education and finances on the condition that she work hard at school to become a doctor like her parents and that she never ask about his identity. This year, she is starting her first year at medical school. While adjusting to her new and separate life from her boyfriend Katsumi, she meets classmate Moritsugu Shun and a handsome new professor named Hayasaka Tasuku, who both seem to have secrets of their own. What experiences await her and will she ever find out who her Ashinaga Ojisan is?
Maria is a girl attending a Christian private school. Her mother is sick and in the hospital, her family poor. They live off the money of a man who's identity is unknown to Maria. He is called "Daddy Long-Legs" and he supports Maria and her mother with only one fee: Maria becoming his bride. Just who is this mysterious man? Is it the doctor? Someone she does not know? A boy from school...?